My Ilsa 6 cup stainless pot has been used daily for about ten years. It's easy to use, no parts to replace and makes great coffee. Try boiling the water separately and pouring it into the filter basket, instead of putting the pot directly on the stove and flipping it. My Italian family has made coffee with this method for as long as I can remember. The hollow stainless handle on this pot also resists heat when warming the pot on the stove for a second cup. Find a coffee you like and enjoy!

This makes great, strong coffee. I would go as far as saying I like this better than brewed expresso. Further, it is an easier clean-up than the stove-top expresson pot. This also looks very nice sitting out. If you would like a unique coffee experience, give this a shot.
Buy Ilsa - Neapolitan Coffee Maker 6 Cup Size - Stainless Steel - Made in Italy Now
The italian's may not know how to balance their country's budget, (neither can we), but they know how to make coffee. The flip coffee pot system makes the smoothest coffee that can be strong but not bitter. Try this pot and sit back and enjoy a cup of caffe' and life!
Read Best Reviews of Ilsa - Neapolitan Coffee Maker 6 Cup Size - Stainless Steel - Made in Italy Here
I like it, although it's a little tricky getting uased to the flip-over without any spillage. It makes GREAT black coffee.
Want Ilsa - Neapolitan Coffee Maker 6 Cup Size - Stainless Steel - Made in Italy Discount?
Good regular coffee maker. At the beginning it is a little bit tricky to use it, but after 2-3 trials you are o'kay and realice that coffee is much-much better especially if you use hand grinder.
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