The main complaint I have had is the lack of variety in the dark roast coffees in readily available pods at a reasonable cost.
Perfect Pod has more than fulfilled my wishes. It is easy to use and I can fill the pods with freshly-ground beans, roast my own or even use a commercial espresso grind which I found produced an excellent cup.
I am ordering another as a gift for a friend, to whom I have given a Senseo and who, like me, would like more variety in roast types and flavors.I love my Senseo coffee maker, but I really don't like their coffee. We got this pod maker so we could choose whatever coffee we want. I must say, this little thing is the greatest! You put in a filter, fill it up with your favorite coffee (about 1 1/2 tablespoons) and close the top for 3 seconds... DONE! Now we truly enjoy the benefits of a single serve coffee maker. It is so easy and the machine is so small... it's perfect! I cannot recommend it enough! I make several at a time and the pods are ready to go whenever I want them. And the best thing, they are disposable, so you just toss it when you are done.
One thing... just make sure you don't grind the coffee too fine or it doesnt work in the Senseo.
Read Best Reviews of Perfect Pod Maker Here
Yet another product made in China. Seems every time I buy a product, I find out it's from China ... only after I buy it. There is no escape. So how do I like it? Actually, I think it's a nifty device. It looks like it is built pretty well. I was surprised that it was bigger than I thought it would be (not that it is all that large, it isn't). And the blinking light telling you it's ready (stops blinking when ready) is on the lid. No big deal (since that is where the heating element is), just thought it odd since the on/off switch in the front lights up and felt it would be more appropriate there.For those who have a Senseo coffee maker (or other pod maker) you should enjoy this product. I don't care that much for Senseo coffee. Oh, a couple grinds are pretty decent, but I tire of them quickly. Enter the Pod Maker. I now can buy any type or brand of coffee I want, from inexpensive 3 pound cans to expensive brands. It's given a new lease on life for my Senseo coffee maker. As far as how it works, see Mark Husson's video review below (nicely done, Mark). And yes, it's as simple as it looks. Obviously, one will waste a few pods trying to gage the correct amount of coffee to use (depends upon the brand, grind and personal taste), but that's a small price to pay to get a better tasting mug of coffee.
So how do I rate it? Between 1 and 10, I give this device a solid 7 (or a marginal 4-star rating). It works as advertised (it seals the pods quickly and effectively, and is cool to the touch). However, the filters are expensive and not available at the grocery store where I shop (there is always a catch). To lessen the cost, it's better to buy in bulk (obviously), but even then, $15 plus shipping for 120 filters is about 5 to 10 times more expensive than standard filters. While Senseo coffee is very expensive (for what you get), one isn't saving all that much money going this route, but at least you can now purchase a variety of coffee and experiment, instead of being at the mercy of Senseo.
Edit: After using the Pod Maker for over a month now, I think I might have short changed its value. I have found several coffees I really enjoy, and this wouldn't have happened without the Pod Maker. As I stated before, it's given a new lease on life to my Senseo coffee maker. Unfortunately, my Senseo just bit the dust and I was in a quandary of which coffee maker to buy. I really wanted the Breville, and also considered the Keurig B60 or B70 (I could still use the Pod Maker for these K-cup machines, so that told me right then and there how important this little device has become to me in a relatively short time). Well, I ended up purchasing another Senseo and saved myself a couple hundred bucks). Without the Pod Maker, I wouldn't have even considered another Senseo. Because of this fact, I will now up my rating from a solid 7 to a 9 (or a 5-star rating -unfortunately one cannot change the actual star rating). It took a blown coffee maker for me to realize just how indispensable the Pod Maker is.
EDIT 2: Actually, it's not indispensable at all. My second unit died the same way as my first unit died, that is, its heating element went south and stopped heating. The first one bit the dust in just under a year. I thought, no big deal, things happen. When the second one died at about the same time frame, it made me realize that these may have a serious problem. I mean a heating element is pretty basic and they have been around for decades in one form or another (how many irons fail?). No, these are obviously made on the cheap, but I did email the manufacturer. They didn't bother to respond.
So, will I buy a third unit? Uh, no way. But then again, I found out I don't need this piece of equipment. I have a Senseo coffee maker and all I do is load the Pod's filters directly into the coffee maker, add coffee, flip over the top paper and I'm set to go. And no, I don't have a problem with coffee grounds. It works just fine.I really love this thing. I bought my senseo machine because it was fast and easy to use. Unfortunately the cost of the senseo pods really added up quickly and I was beginning to regret my purchase until I found this pod maker. I bought a huge $7 can of coffee about a month and a half ago and it's still nowhere near empty. It sure beats paying $5 or $6 every week to feed my caffeine addiction. I just make a new batch of pods every Sunday and I'm set for the week. It's really easy and is quick as well just like the senseo coffee machine.
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