Thursday, September 12, 2013

Imusa Espresso Coffeemaker, 3 cup

Imusa Espresso Coffeemaker, 3 cupSorry I got this. The bottom bulges, so it doesn't sit flat, the insert for the coffee grounds has to be pried out with a screwdriver every time I use it. It's a junk Chinese-made stove-top espresso maker. Imusa has never been known for high quality, but it wasn't ever selling crap. This is crap. I'm ordering a Bialetti and tossing this out.

I bought many of these, in 3 sizes, about a year ago.

I think I paid about 1/2 of the $7 they're asking.

For the price I paid I'm happy enough with no

major complaint.

For example, you could complain, if you're a worrisome

person the fact that the coffee can drip away from

the lip of the pot when you pour it means you, really,

can't serve it up directly to someone.

You'll have to pour it into a cup over the sink.

Yep, seriously, that's a small problem.

Stains on the painted, top, area are there almost

immediately. The paint quality is OK but not

stain proof. Cleaning the painted area is only

done with, lye or, corrosive cleaners.

If the top is aluminum (it's hard to tell on this

item) then it won't stain.

I was confident, enough, to give on (1 cup size) as

a gift to a friend who likes espresso. That's why

I bought several of them.

Note: This review is about a 1 cup size. I have a

3 cup, or larger, size that I might review at another

time when I use it. It might not drip at the tip

when pouring.

The actual brewing is simple. Overheating the water

will cause sputtering and could cause drips of

espresso to get past the shut lid. I don't call this

a design failure, for the price, because once you're

aware of the chance of overheating you should set

your heat at the right spot.

I found that, for electric stove, heating the coil

to red hot and put the 1 cup size on the element

and I can after 10 seconds turn the element to

the lowest (warm) position and be confident my

water will be completely boiled (and coffee made)

but without overheating the bottom compartment and

the top causing a sputter of coffee.

I'm sure you can find this sweet, heating, spot too.

For the price, considering free shipping, it's as if

the item costs $4 or so. This puts it in the Dollar

Store category in my opinion.

It works. Nothing to break. And that's it.

Final note. I'm a materials scientist. I put a dab

of silicone glue on the screw when it was new.

I first removed the screw, put silicone on the

threads and tightened the screw to the top handle.

Then I put silicone over the screw head.

I did this for 2 reasons.

1. The head, if not stainless steel, will rust

from the acid in the coffee. The screw is almost

certainly stainless steel but I didn't want to

take a chance and I had silicone handy.

2. The threads into the plastic (Bakelite) handle

might have come loose. Metal into plastic doesn't

get loose and tightened very many times before the

plastic breaks. So 1 time to screw into plastic

is ensured by gluing the screw when you get it.

In 1 year I've had no problem with the screw or rust.

You could use epoxy for the above. Perhaps also a

vinyl cement could be used too but won't last as

long and might add a smell to your pot. The coffee

won't smell, probably, but I hate the smell of vinyl.

Enjoy the deal.

Buy Imusa Espresso Coffeemaker, 3 cup Now

Don't waste your money. Pay a few dollars more for the more "recognized" brand. This pot leaks hot coffee when poured. Won't even keep it around as a back-up.

Read Best Reviews of Imusa Espresso Coffeemaker, 3 cup Here

When you need to make real expresso coffee, this is the way to go. Easy to use and lasts a long time.

Want Imusa Espresso Coffeemaker, 3 cup Discount?

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