Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Saeco Odea Go Espresso Machine

Saeco Odea Go Espresso MachineIt lives up to the functionality described fairly well. However, there are a couple of things you should know.

1) Even at the full-cup setting, it doesn't really fill up a coffee cup. If you have a large cup, it might fill it up half way, if you're lucky.

2) Due to #1, the picture that shows two cups being brewed is somewhat misleading. The picture would look like the one shown only if the cups were left in place after the first brew cycle in order to run a second brew cycle into those same half-filled cups. This no faster than just brewing one cup and swapping in the next cup for the second brew cycle.

3) There is a low water sensor to let you know you need to fill up the reservoir -which is good. However, it will stop brewing the instant the low water sensor triggers even if it is in the middle of brewing a cup. This ruins the cup in progress, but to make matters worse, the low water sensor triggers when there is about two cups of water left in the reservoir. There is pleny of water left to finish the currently brewing cup (and probably enough for yet another cup), but the brewing comes to a crashing halt mid-brew. I wish it would perform the low water sensor check AFTER finishing a cup so you know when to refill the reservoir withot ruining a brew cycle (or wasting beans).

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