Monday, November 4, 2013

Chemex Ten Cup Glass Coffee Maker with Glass Handle - 10 Cup Coffee Maker

Chemex Ten Cup Glass Coffee Maker with Glass Handle - 10 Cup Coffee MakerMy family used the chemex system for brewing coffee. So I am very comfortable and familiar with using it. In today's hurry-up world, some people would not want to be bothered boiling the water, and slowly pouring it into the chemex glass coffee maker. When our power goes out, we have a gas stove, so we can still brew wonderful coffee, and that is a great thing to be able to do to warm-up while waiting for the power to come back on, here up in the mountains!

There is no plastic in this coffee pot ant the coffee tastes better than coffee brewed any other way.

Buy Chemex Ten Cup Glass Coffee Maker with Glass Handle - 10 Cup Coffee Maker Now

I got this after hearing so many negative things about how bad using a Keurig is for you. I was not sure if I should order this, but I am SO glad I did. This makes some GREAT coffee, and you don't have to worry about platic and chemical leach like you do in other coffee makers. Totally worth the few extra minutes it takes and your kitchen smells yummy while it's brewing :o)

Read Best Reviews of Chemex Ten Cup Glass Coffee Maker with Glass Handle - 10 Cup Coffee Maker Here

I was introduced to the Chemex ten cup glas coffee

maker by my son. Although I thought the glass maker

was a bit pricey, I must admit that the taste of

the coffee was well worth the price. My recommendation,

purchase the unit with the handle. I never purchased the

Chemex coffeemaker glass lid, but just left the coffee

grounds/filter on the unit which kept the coffee nice and hot.

Want Chemex Ten Cup Glass Coffee Maker with Glass Handle - 10 Cup Coffee Maker Discount?

This was new to me until I first tried it, some 3-4 months ago. As soon as I started using it Chemex became my exclusive coffee-brewing method and it's likely to stay that way.

If what you want is a 'clean' yet tasty and flavorful cup of coffee and don't mind spending a few minutes making it AND you don't mind using a lot more ground coffee than you would otherwise the Chemex-made coffee should be your cup of tea, so to speak.

I was completely unaware of anything and everything Chemex until recently when, on the strength of another Amazon review, I decided to give it a try. Add the super-special Chemex filters and some good coffee and you get some honest-to-goodness good tasting, non-bitter coffee. I am happy with what I am tasting. It's a honest, clean coffee and it's good enough for me to drink it unaltered, milk and sugar-free, Espresso-style or with frothed milk. My coffee tastes very much like an Espresso or like a sugarless Cappuccino only not so hot and not so bitter but this is my preference.

The process involves bringing some water to a boil while grinding your coffee 'medium grind' seems to be optimal. Place the filter into the top of the coffee maker, add the desired amount of coffee and SLOWLY pour the just boiled water after first just wetting the grounds. It takes 4-5 minutes to produce my 3 five-ounce cups. Chemex claims that their own filters have some extraordinary properties including 'the right filtration speed' which (hint) is NOT 'fast'.

The glass quality is good enough to allow for heating the coffee by placing the coffee maker to sit on top of a gas range or a glass top range (but NOT on electric heating coils) without breaking. I don't have a gas range but I can testify that it works well with glass tops.

My verdict so far is 'excellent' for an inexpensive, clean, likely to last forever coffee maker but, as I noted already, you will have to dedicate a few minutes of your time to brewing your coffee if you decide to do it the Chemex way. Ever since I brewed my first Chemex cup I never went back to the old ways. The only use my Cappuccino machine has now is 'milk frother'.



Expect to use A LOT more coffee than you would normally need to make the same amount in a 'regular' coffee or espresso machine. Probably twice as much.

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