Previous k-cup unit tend to produce a weaker brew. The Vue with V-cups does not suffer from that. You can select yoru brew strength, and that really works. Even with medium blend coffee's, you get a rich, full body, strong cup of coffee when you select strong as the strength on the touch panel.
Brew over ice (lowers temp), 2 step café brewing for the special coffee blends (latte's and more). You can set the time the unit turns on in the am, and off. Change the temperature setting, and more.
This brewer is amazing. The con is it doesn't use regular k-cups, but V-cups are a better choice for picky coffee drinkers. THey are available at all major stores.
Say good bye to weak coffee and hello to coffee perfection.Had the base model Keurig for 18 months and then it quit. Did a lot of research looking for one that would last (including other brands like Cuisenart) before selecting this one.
On the plus side:
very well made
heavy duty, long power cord
large capacity water tank
can brew several sizes up to 18 oz
can do coffee, cocoa, tea, iced tea, and cafe drinks (latte, cappuccino)
machine has smart pump that mixes pressure, air, temp according to the kind of drink you are making, where k-cup machine does everything the same way
vue cups are recyclable! K-cup are not and are filling landfills by the billion.
pump is pretty quiet
touch screen is very easy to use and works great
removable tray at base of cup to suit larger go-cups, etc
coffee tastes better to me than standard k-cup machine. Vanilla Latte is a favorite of mine it's delicious!
vue cups are slightly more expensive (but make better drinks and can be recycled)
price of the V1255
The v1255 is worth the cost, its extremely well built, full featured and works great. Makes great tasting beverages. Shop around for best price, I got mine for $229 from Office Depot if Amazon currently does not have the best price.
At that price this is no more expensive than the best k-cup machine with better technology and features.
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