I am very pleased with this Bunn Coffee Maker. This nice thing about it is....Hmmmm...Everything. Instead of the water just dripping straight down, the Bunn has a sprayer which sprays all of the coffee equally. There is a long spring that comes with the unit which is used to keep it from becoming clogged from water impurities. Simply unscrew the sprayer head which screws off without any problem, push the spring in the opening of the dripper and it is all cleared out. then of course, run some water through it to get the loose deposits out. The pot for this is nice because as we all know that most of the pots that have been on the market for twenty-thirty years, spill all over when trying to pour into a cup....Not so with the Bunn, it pours very nicely. Also, the one thing that nobody mentioned in their review of this product is THE REPLACEMENT POT. I have already broke a pot on the sink when I was half awake. I had to guess at which backup pot to buy for this unit. The BUNN NCD 10-Cup Black Coffee Decanter is the proper one which is just like the one which comes with the unit. If you are a coffee addict like me, you will appreciate this coffee make. I can't say enough about it. The heck with the 5 stars, I give it 10 stars. By the way, order a backup decanter when you order your coffee maker as I did. That way you will be prepared. I have already purchased 2 more additional decanters.....I hope this helped you.

When I left college, I managed restaurants that had outstanding coffee made with Bunn Brewers. Well, after buying this unit I will never use anything else! It's so much better than any other expensive brands I have owned. I'm sure it's attributed to the heat of the water coming from the pre-warmed tank and the spray head.
The only problem I had was the water came through the original head too quickly, (causing it to overflow), so I had to order the reduced flow head. I was shipped free and quickly from Bunn. Great customer service! Works great now.
Get this and a pump top thermal pot to keep your coffee warm and enjoy!
Buy BUNN® 10-Cup Pour-O-Matic® Coffee Brewer Now
These are the best coffee makes out! I think every home should have one! I wouldn't know what to do if they would ever stop making them! You have coffee in 3 mins. & it makes great tasting coffee! You can't go wrong with one of these! I do think the price is high cause when they first came out I only paid $32.00 for mine.
Read Best Reviews of BUNN® 10-Cup Pour-O-Matic® Coffee Brewer Here
I bought this Bunn to replace an older one I had for years. I love this model, but the water heater is very noisy. I've just learned to accept it...at least it doesn't last very long (the noise, that is)!
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Worsk very good. I was originally concerned about it being "on" all the time, but that issue was quickly resolved pour water in, replace the Decanter, close the lid and BAM, you have coffee/tea/hot water in 3 minutes just as it claims. Great product .. this one was bought as a gift for my parents, but I'm over there and use it almost daily too. Probably will be buying one for myself ... or maybe someone will gift one for me (hint! hint!)
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