Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lavazza Espresso Point Matinee

Lavazza Espresso Point MatineeReceived this machine as a gift and absolutely love it. It makes excellent shots of espresso in very short times. It is very well built and heavily constructed. I would highly recommend this unit to everyone that loves espresso.

Using this machine to make ~10 espresso's a day. Quality of Espresso is great. However, both machines died within less than a year due to water leaking out of what appears to be the grouphead.

Buy Lavazza Espresso Point Matinee Now

Bought this and a Brita filter carafe for the water. Installed it (plugged it in) at the office. The younger associates love it. You do need to read the instructions before using it.

Read Best Reviews of Lavazza Espresso Point Matinee Here

This machine is great for the office we all love it. We have it in our Conference room for easy access.

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