Annoyingly enough, the manual says not to tighten or loosen by putting force on the handle. What?? So I'm a little annoyed at that. However, the beauty of this pot is that you don't have to apply significant force to tighten for it to get a proper seal, unlike the previous 10-cub Chinese moka pot.
I waited about 6 months of several uses per week before making this review and no problems. Even multiple accidental over-burnings hasn't damaged it. The seal seams to be of a type that might last forever, unlike most moka pots that need it replaced after a year or so. I'm still counting off one star for the price along with the warning about excessive force on the handle, but it has been reliable and makes good coffee.Heat stained after the base after a few uses, but other than that, works wonderfully and looks good. I really like the strong coffee it produces (we don't use espresso grade, and use it to just make strong coffee).
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