We knew enough to know that "super automatic" is important if you don't like the actual manual process of making espresso (we don't) and since this one doesn't actually say "super automatic" but rather "compact automatic" I was a little confused but eventually learned that compact automatic just means it's a super automatic with a smaller footprint. For those really ignorant like us: Super Automatic means you fill the bean bin and the water bin once every so often, and then it's ready to go. When you want a drink you turn it on and press a button single espresso, double espresso, single lungo, or double lungo. Then you watch as it makes a bunch of interesting noises then fills your cup with beautiful, steaming hot frothy coffee. Then you drink it. Super automatic.
The benefit of a compact super automatic is the smaller footprint of course. The downside is that you have to fill the bean and water reservoirs (and empty the dregs basin) more frequently than "regular size" super automatic. For us it is about twice a week two adults home all day and we like coffee. We're actually probably going through more than normal right now because we're enjoying playing and experimenting with strengths, mixes, quantities, etc. It has been a few days and already I've figured out my tastes but it's still fun trying new things.
If you love coffee and want to treat yourself this is a winner. The small footprint is nice it doesn't look like a commercial espresso machine sitting on our counter (though it's bigger than a regular drip maker). Again I don't have anything to compare it to since this is our first one but I can't think of anything about it we don't like. You have to remove the outside part of the steamer/frother to clean it, or you can leave it off when you froth and avoid that cleaning step. But I don't do any frothing anyway (wife does).
It's super. It's automatic. It's compact. It makes incredible espresso, americana, lungos, long blacks, cappucino, and lattes. We are very happy. I will post back after our first full cleaning.
August update: It has been 8 months and we love it just as much as when we first got it. We cleaned it once it was trivial. No issues except that one bag of beans we purchased from Trader Joes were a little oily and they got stuck in the hopper another reviewer also mentioned this. I removed the little cap from over the hopper (2 philips head screws) and left it off not sure how or if that can hurt anything but it has worked fine since.
Seriously we love this thing. There is nothing like feeling an urge for a cup a joe and 3 minutes later having one in your hands with nothing to do or clean up. And it is goooooood stuff. We were talking the other day and decided it's the best luxury gift we've ever given ourselves.PROS: Makes very good coffee and lattes. Sleek, good-looking appliance. Works as you would expect.
CONS: (very minor) Chrome "heating" plate doesn't get warm enough to heat anything (who cares?). Beans on the "oily" side don't always feed smoothly from hopper to the grinder.
I've owned several automatic machines over the years from Saeco and DeLonghi (most recently the DeLonghi ESAM3300 Magnifica Super-Automatic Espresso/Coffee Machine) that have acted as our go-to small office coffee makers. (I'm a latte-holic myself, 4 to 5 a day, and admitting that is the first step toward recovery I'm told...) I have a tendency to wear them out in 2 to 3 years because they get a lot of use, 5 days a week. But that is to be expected, at least by me, as these really are intended as home-use machines. That being said, this is a fine machine for it's job which is to keep me in lattes!
It makes very good, tasty shots of espresso for those lattes, steams my 1% milk great with a nice, dense foam, and the regular coffee drinkers are very happy with their full coffees.
Tip: Best way to froth the milk?: swing the frother arm all the way to the left and stack your steamed-milk container with your cold milk in it on top of an empty coffee mug off to the side on the counter. That way your milk container is high enough to just sit there with the wand in it as it steams. You can walk away for a couple of minutes and do something useful. Just don't go too far away and "forget" it's steaming what a mess! But the frother "froths" really well all by itself, doesn't over-bubble and spill over the side like some past machines have done. Well-designed.
Right out of the box, it made a great-tasting first latte for me. One of the best, actually. I left the grinder on the factory setting, and set the rotating knob to between 1:30 and 2:00 o'clock position (just guessing) and it made both a great double-shot of espresso AND a great-tasting regular coffee on my first two tries (I used the "double" buttons on both the espresso side and coffee side that'll make more sense once you see the machine and read the instructions).
I've only had it about a month, but so far so really good. The only minor issue is that bean hopper "con" above. It's a bit shallow in slope, so my slightly oily beans (Costco/Kirkland espresso, roasted by Starbucks beans) get stuck sometimes during the grinding portion of the process, and I have to lift the lid and stir them a bit with a spoon to make sure they get down where they need to go not a huge inconvenience.
I've had a couple of the DeLonghi ESAM3300 Magnificas DeLonghi ESAM3300 Magnifica Super-Automatic Espresso/Coffee Machine mentioned earlier, and they are GREAT machines! (that's the one I have at home for weekend use). I'm hoping this latest DeLonghi for the office lives up to that model's standards. By the way, the model number for replacement water filters is: SER 3017. Google "Water filter SER 3017" though, to find it online, because it doesn't show up on Amazon. And DeLonghi customer service was no help at all via an emailed question about the filter, which should be a concern to them I would imagine. Hey Amazon, how about linking to the company that sells the filter?
Buy DeLonghi ECAM22110SB Compact Automatic Cappuccino, Latte and Espresso Machine Now
Bought this machine and right out of the box it was not drawing the beans into the grinder.Tried calling the manufacture and all I got was we can return it for repair.It's only a day old.So I got on Amazon.com and looked at the reviews and see I am not the only one having this problem.So here is the fix.List off the cover to the bean bin and remove the mushroom cap inside the bean bin where the beans go into the grinder.This can be done by removing two little phillips screws and pulling the mushroom cap up and out of the bean bin.Save this piece just in case you would need warranty work for something else.Now there is no problem with beans feeding into the grinder.My guess is that it's a safety thing so one would not reach in and put there fingers into the grinder.Hope this helps someone else.I have used other automatic espresso machines and I find this Magnifica to be better for many reasons.
1) settings to control strength, temperature, coffee grind coarseness, auto-off time interval, and cup size
2) small footprint in terms of machine size
3) easy to access the water bin which can slide out partially and be filled while it is in place. Very nice feature considering you add water daily like you do with all machines.
4) machine auto-rinses. Some machines make this an option which is really about maintaining the machine.
5) perfect user interface. Easy to use
6) Great coffee.... Great coffee
7) Excellent frother. Many machines (Jura) don't stack up
8) easy to clean! The brew unit comes out and it doesn't require service at the factory. Look for this feature!
9) by-pass doser option. Many machines have this but not all machines in this price range
10) Decent price range and reputable company
11) Nice looks; It is a value blend of plastic and metal where needed. Sure it could be all metal but that would only drive up cost with little to no benefit.
I am happy with the purchase and I have had this for 4 months at this point.
Want DeLonghi ECAM22110SB Compact Automatic Cappuccino, Latte and Espresso Machine Discount?
I am guilty of not reviewing most of the products I buy on Amazon and some of the other websites but I decided to take the time to review this machine because I went through such a difficult time trying to get the best espresso machine without breaking my bank. I purchased this with these things that important to me: Time, ease of use, quality of the drink and again the most bang for the buck. Please keep in mind I have never tried to manually prepare espresso drinks myself but I have tried espresso from local mom and pops shops as well as the more known coffee shops here in New York.Out of the box the machine is pretty straight forward and comes set for a standard espresso shot. The DVD is very helpful when trying to figure out this machine. It walks you through most of the functions. Depending on whether you will like your espresso shots really strong or not then you can play with the grinder settings and water settings. There are also settings to make the water hotter from the start to make the shot hotter. There is also automatic turn off and you can set this to your liking as well. Bypass doser for decaf, buttons will prepare one or two shots as well as two different settings for long coffee. For detailed videos I would check out Seattlecoffee Gear and youtube. They tell you not to use Dark Oily beans in the grinder because they can get stuck and clog it up. If you prefer the dark beans just try Lavazza or some good brand italian beans at your local espresso house. They can run you a pretty penny but for some its worth it.
I normally put the machine on before I get in the shower. When I come out I press the double shot to prepare my shots and wallah...it's all done in a matter of 60 seconds. I usually drink cold drinks so I use cold milk but I have made several friends shots and they loved it. As far as the shots not being strong enough or not having enough crema, I really have to say that not one person complained about anything yet and I actually find the reg shots of espresso to be way to strong for my taste. This machine is great I love it and have made 2 or more drinks everyday since I got it a month ago. So far so good!
Bottom line, if you are always rushing to get to work, gym, and other places you have to be and you want that cup of espresso before you go this machine is for you. If you enjoy making espresso from scratch and controlling every single part of the process this ISNT for you. As far as quality of drinks I LOVE IT and others who I've made drinks for have said they loved it as well. If you can catch a steal with this machine at around $500 I would say most def GO FOR IT!
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