Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Krups 085 20-Ounce Stainless Steel Frothing Pitcher

Krups 085 20-Ounce Stainless Steel Frothing PitcherThe pitcher is very good and professional looking. I especially like the fact that it has a wide opening which make it much easier for milk frothing since I always makes 2 cups at a time. Recently, when I went to a nearby mall, I discovered a very similar design 20oz froth pitcher for less money. It is probably a little expensive, but if you can find it cheaper, this is an excellent product.

This may seem like a silly thing to want, but the Krups pitcher is just the right size and shape to make good frothed milk for lattes, cafe au lait or capucchino. The shape is just the right height to put the nozzle under the milk and get either steamed milk or frothed milk. It fits well under the steam outlet in my DeLonghi coffee machine or under the nozzle on the espresso maker. We clip the insta-read thermometer to the side to get the right temperature milk.

If you haven't had coffee with heated milk (especially in winter) it's a real treat. It doesn't have to be espresso, just foam the milk with the steam outlet and serve with brewed coffee. If you have coffee-loving friends, this is a wonderful little gift to give.

Buy Krups 085 20-Ounce Stainless Steel Frothing Pitcher Now

For all the good reasons:

Looks great

Feels sturdy, will last a lifetime

Pours very very cleanly

Handle is just right to tilt and froth

When you have a froth head on the milk, you can adjust the tilt so it releases liquid milk from the lower part, or drops foam. Sometimes you need a spoon to control which you get, but not as often as the steel cup I used before this one.

If you start with half of this cup, you can froth it to the brim and fill a 15-oz glass to the overflow point. So it's not entirely 20oz since you lose some froth on pouring, but if you have that fine solid froth you don't lose much.

Great for frothing milk for hot chocolate too

Tip: I put sugar (raw) and a touch of vanilla in the pitcher itself, and you get a sweet vanilla froth that goes very well on a nicely extracted espresso.

Cons: I have to wash it after use. If it was self-cleaning it would be perfect. Oh well, good thing it comes out of the dishwasher looking like new.

Read Best Reviews of Krups 085 20-Ounce Stainless Steel Frothing Pitcher Here

for expresso lovers, having a expresso machine at home. this product produces max. foam (plz. read my review on expresso caprisso to know how to achieve max.foam)

The design is very, very scientific. I tried a similar height and volume cup; but got bad results.

The BAD part : The edges are very sharp, while cleaning with hands, be VERY, VERY careful. You might end up cutting yourself !! I take away a whole 2 stars because of this suffered twice.

Want Krups 085 20-Ounce Stainless Steel Frothing Pitcher Discount?

i owned the 12 and 20 ounce pitchers!!! i needed one after our home burned down for use with my hamilton beach espresso machine i had purchased(an excellent machine-see my review). i purchased this 20 ounce pitcher which is all you will need..the 12 ounce is too small if you like alot of milk..use this one!!

this came in its krups box and is great quality and will last you a can't beat this price 9.99!!! it's crazy!!!i paid over 20.00 for mine from macy's years ago

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