Monday, June 9, 2014

Stainless Steel Cappuccino Frother

Cuisinox FRO-800F Cappuccino/Milk FrotherI use this with almond milk only (never tried regular milk), but it handles the almond perfectly well, although during frothing the milk comes through the tiny hole on top of the lid as well as around rim of the pitcher because the lid and the pitcher does not fit together perfectly.

I would not even care about the above issue really, my biggest pet peeve is the little round strainer part that basically froths the milk. Although Amazon states that this unit is stainless steel, the strainer part that is attached to the lid is not. I found this out the hard way; after rinsing the unit I put it into my dishwasher to wash it later, by the end of the day the strainer part started to rust and I was not happy about that. Now I have to hand wash it straight away, then dry it which is a pain in the ... for me because in the mornings I am usually in a hurry, I can however put the pitcher part in the dishwasher, I didn't have any rusting problems with that.

OMGosh I'm having fun with this thing. Hot chocolate is easy and rich too. I made one this morning using honey, Hershey's special dark cocoa and 2% milk. I know.... I know, this is supposed to be for frothing and steaming milk for espresso and latte's and stuff but the experimenting has only just begun.

Buy Stainless Steel Cappuccino Frother Now

I couldn't decide whether to buy a battery powered frother or this. I am so pleased with this purchase!!! I absolutely love it. It is very convenient because you can heat the milk right in the pitcher, then froth and pour. Perfect every time, and you can adjust how frothy or foamy you want the milk once you get the hang of it.

I couldn't be happier with the results, and I don't have to worry about buying batteries!

Read Best Reviews of Stainless Steel Cappuccino Frother Here

This was one of the best thing I bought. You can warm milk directly on your gas stove and make wonderful milk froth in this stainless steel Cappuccino Frother. I would buy this again and again.

Want Stainless Steel Cappuccino Frother Discount?

Total simplicity. Heat the milk and froth to perfection. About 15 to 20 plunges up and down to frothy perfection. How much easier could it be. I would recommend this. It get's 5 stars from me.

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