From the start, the coffee was a little bit off, with temperatures not quite getting high enough resulting in slightly bitter coffee. They get to about 190 (should be closer to 200-205), but Jura tech said that was 'normal' for their machines. This was a little disappointing for coffee affectionados and home-roasters.
Despite meticulously reading and re-reading the manual and watching the video and paying attention to cleaning schedules, etc. this thing started breaking down and popping up with unsolvable error codes after about 6 months. We had to do several procedures (wasting expensive cleaning tablets and filters, at our expense) in following tech support's directions. Finally they agreed to replace it since the issues could not be solved. I don't know if we got the same unit back or a refurbished job, but it started having the problems again after about 6 months. This time it was out of warrantee.
You should know this: THEY CHARGE OVER $200 PLUS SHIPPING JUST TO TAKE IT BACK FOR A DIAGNOSTIC TEST after your warrantee expires! Then repairs (they ran >$100 for us) and our shipping to them increased the costs to over $400. We fell for this once. Then the machine died again. It sat on our counter for several months while we agonized over going through the same thing again.
Rather than acting like the Proverbial "dog that returns to his own vomit", we decided discretion is the better part of valor, and we boxed it, threw it up in the attic, and bought a $160 Cuisinart with a burr grinder.
My wife still misses the lattes every now and then but it is not worth the thousands of bucks to get them. It just seems it should work better and not be so expensive to maintain after you pay so much for the initial purchase.The machine came as promised. It was in
prefect condition and easy to set up. It
tell everything to do and when to do it.
It makes a great cup of cup! My husband
did not want to get it, but I know now
after a few cups of coffee he is sold on it.
The only thing, it is abit noisy
Buy Capresso 13204-RB Jura Impressa E9 Automatic Coffee Center - REFURBISHED Now
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