Thursday, July 25, 2013

Alessi 9095/3 B La Cupola Espresso Coffee Maker 3 Cups

Alessi 9095/3 B La Cupola Espresso Coffee Maker 3 CupsWe bought this coffee pot (correctly called a Moka) in Sicily 9 years ago. Since then we have used it regularly to make what we think is great coffee (although I'm no expert). The 3 cup size is perfect for a large 12oz. cappuccino or for two 8oz cappuccinos (yes I know the maths don't add up!). Once made the mistake of putting part of the pot in the dishwasher which dulled the aluminium. Since then we've followed the instructions and only rinsed the pot in warm water, leaving the coffee residue to coat the insides of the pot. The rubber seal(gasket) needs to be changed every year or so. Try to buy a few when you get buy the pot then your retailer should be able to give you the correct ones, otherwise look on-line for Bialetti replacement gaskets they sell a 3 pack with a new aluminium sieve.

Makes good espresso, but take care with gas stoves as the modern ones have a large ring of fire, much larger than the base of the coffee pot,. Not only is the fire-ring waaay bigger than the pot, but the gap in the center of the iron stove-top ring is much bigger too. Therefore you need to precariously place the pot at the edge of the ring of fire, and take care not to let the whole thing tip into the gap of the iron ring on your stove (that iron thing that sits on top of the ring of fire that holds up your pots.)

Aside for the above challenge, it's a good little thing. Pretty, and makes a good cuppa joe. Easy to clean, and makes a fast cuppa (6 minutes).

Buy Alessi 9095/3 B La Cupola Espresso Coffee Maker 3 Cups Now

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