Friday, June 20, 2014

Philips Saeco HD8856/47 Exprelia Automatic Espresso Machine, Stainless Steel

Philips Saeco HD8856/47 Exprelia Automatic Espresso Machine, Stainless SteelFinally Philips did what I was expecting: Design a new fully automatic espresso machine at Saeco, the originator of these machines.

The Exprelia is perfect in every aspect. What first strikes me was the silence of operation. Very low noise at every step, grinding, steaming, brewing and cleaning. Compared to my old very noisy DeLonghi Magnifica, it is day and night. The Exprelia is not only fully automatic in making all kind of coffee beverages and particularly cappuccinos, but also in cleaning the milk carafe and everything else. The little screen will tell you what to do at all time. The settings are very easy to adjust and there are plenty of adjustments for all tastes. I was a little apprehensive in buying this machine and be the first to review it, but I trusted not only Philips but also Amazon, both are great company caring a lot for customer satisfaction. Thanks for reading and please excuse my English since my mother tongue is French.

I will update my review in a few weeks.

UPDATE few months after:

Our summer home needed so much fixing that I had not too much time to play with my computer. Regarding the follow-up about my Exprelia I am sorry to say that it started to malfunction after 4 weeks and it broke my hearth to have to send it back. I cannot explain why suddenly the coffee grinds were going at the wrong place. The grinds, instead of falling into the brew group were filling up inside the machine to then appear in the opening to be used to pour ground coffee in order to use a different kind of coffee. I did not realize this right away. My cappuccinos were very weak and hardly tasted coffee. The grinds were continuing to accumulate inside the machine till one morning the machine was so full of unused coffee grinds that they came out like a little volcano out of the top of the machine. I tried to clean up the mess but the grinds were so impacted that it was impossible to take them out. I got a refund and till I decided what machine to get I started to drink my wife horrible coffee which we called in France "Sock juice". Finally after a long analysis of all machines on the market I bought a Gaggia Academia. . To my surprise I noticed that this new machine has a lot of similarities with the Exprelia and I found out latter that Gaggia has been bought by Saeco and Saeco by Phillips. So they are all within the same family of automatic coffee machine. I will soon write a review about my Gaggia Academia.

I purchased this machine for my husband's birthday. is unbelievable what this machine does! It grinds coffee beans, tamps them and ejects the used grounds into a bin. It goes into a stand-by mode after 60 minutes of no use, at which time, it uses a small amount of water to clean itself. It is a good idea to keep a cup under the dispenser to catch this. Even if you don't do that, it has a nice large tray which will catch the water, although it is much easier to dump the water from a cup, rinse it and place it under the dispenser than it is to clean the tray. The machine has a nice digital display, which tells you exactly what the machine is doing, when it needs more water, when the grounds bin & water tray inside the machine need emptying, when it is time to descale or clean the machine, etc.

It does take some time to figure everything out, especially removing the insides, cleaning them and lubricating them. If you do not put the tamper back the right way, you can tell because the flow of coffee is down to dripping and there tends to be coffee grounds outside of the bin. Also, the grounds inside the bin will be liquified, rather than a nice, solid wheel of used grounds.

The ONLY downfall to this machine is that it does not hold a significant amount of water, so you have to keep refilling the water bin frequently compared to the 80oz.+ water bin on the Keurig & Breville K-cup machines (which we own also).

You can also used pre-ground coffee if you like in this machine. There is a little door on top of the machine to put the pre-grounded coffee into. This is the same door you put the cleaning tablets in. Another great thing about this maker is that it doesn't take a ton of water to clean like the Keurigs. All it used is about a 1/2 to 3/4 cup of water! The cleaning tablets are rather inexpensive, but the descaling solution is pricey. It recommends descaling every 1-2 months. We use bottled drinking water in our coffee makers, including this one, but you still get the sediment and need for descaling.

The maker comes with extra tubing for the milk frother. The openings at the ends of the tubing are different, to give you different types of frothing. I thought these were extra tubes at first. But after reading completely through the owner's manual, found out what they are really for. We have not tried anything that requires the milk, like the cappuccino. I'm sure it works great, as everything else does!

This thing is so automatic, that all you need do is press a button & you can get Starbuck quality expresso, cappuccino or coffee. The machine even does just plain hot water. There are so many things you can do with this, that the possibilities seem endless.

At first, I was very frustrated with the machine, but in a very short time, I became quite accustomed to its sounds and function.

If you are a serious coffee drinker and would like true expresso, cappuccino or latte', and have some money to throw around, this is truly the machine for you! I am so glad I purchased this for my husband & he sure likes it a lot.

Sorry about the long review, but it is impossible to write a short one on such an elaborate machine.

Buy Philips Saeco HD8856/47 Exprelia Automatic Espresso Machine, Stainless Steel Now

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