Saturday, July 20, 2013

Coffeepro CP6B Coffeemaker, 4-Cup, 6-1/2 in.x7-1/4 in.x10 in., Black

Coffeepro CP6B Coffeemaker, 4-Cup, 6-1/2 in.x7-1/4 in.x10 in., BlackThe cone shaped filters I think why this coffeemaker makes a very rich delicious cup of coffee.I like everything about it. i brew about 9 cups a day for myself. I have it about a month,I paid about $40.00 a little expensive, but if it lasts a year or more it's worth it.

I've had no mechanical problems with this coffee maker and it makes a good pot of coffee. My two concerns are that I had to put about 10 pots of fresh water through to reduce the slight plastic smell before making my first pot of coffee. The mesh filter insert is nice for getting the most flavor out of coffee, but you need to be careful because the small cone filter can get pushed in so that a lot of the hot water runs down next to the filter. A big disappointment when you're waiting for your fist cup! I've solved that problem by wetting the filter with water before I put the coffee in and making sure that the leading edge is pretty well tucked in next to the mesh filter.

Buy Coffeepro CP6B Coffeemaker, 4-Cup, 6-1/2 in.x7-1/4 in.x10 in., Black Now

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