Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hario Coffee Dripper V60 Size 02 Black Glass

Hario Coffee Dripper V60 Size 02 Black GlassSometimes I'll wake up in the morning and the coffee in the auto pot has turned off after 2 hours and I'm really wanting a fresh cup of joe, so I'll whip out my glass dripper. Placed on top of my mug with a #2 cone paper filter in it, I pour some hot water on the filter first; it helps heat your mug initially and the purists say it facilitates the brewing process when wet first. Slowly "circle" your hot water pouring only "in" the coffee grounds, not up the paper filter sides. Also, by circling you don't create a hole in the grounds going straight through the center of the bottom that clears a path. Take a couple minutes to pour. With the notched sides on the black plastic of the dripper I can see the level of the rising coffee without removing the dripper. Sure you can get a plastic dripper (got one too), but I love how glass is inert and doesn't transfer plastic odors. The inside swirls in the glass are supposed to help the downward liquid flow. It will fit on top of a mug up to 4 inches across. You don't get sludge in the bottom of your cup with this method like you do with the french press. Love this dripper.

I'll be taking for a test try tomorrow--but it looks like Pyrex quality (which was what I was hoping for).

Also, it looks like it will take other sized filters (other than Hario ones, which are expensive).

Will revise review soon after I give it a go. It was ridiculously hard to find a coffee drip that was made of glass, and this is one of the few out there. (yes, the black portions are plastic but are also removable and do not touch the liquid).

Buy Hario Coffee Dripper V60 Size 02 Black Glass Now

It was a present for my husband. He is very particular when it comes to good coffee and is very happy with it. It channels the water slowly through and being that it is made of glass there is no plastic residue.

Read Best Reviews of Hario Coffee Dripper V60 Size 02 Black Glass Here

After having another pour over for a few months I upgraded to the Hario V60 and there is no comparison. It is made well and provides a great extraction for your favorite coffee.

Want Hario Coffee Dripper V60 Size 02 Black Glass Discount?

This is made of some thick, durable glass. I've dropped it on the counter a few times, and it did not crack. Try doing that with a Chemex, and you're going to be cleaning shards out of your hands. With that said, Chemex does give you a better brew, but that is because the Chemex filter paper is better than Hario filter paper. Don't get me wrong... I prefer this over the Chemex because I can actually fit it away in a drawer. I plan on buying some Chemex filters to see if they will fit in the Hario. Stay away from the Hario V60 plastic version.... unless you want some cancer with your coffee.... While I'm at it, stay away from the porcelain versions as well. Although this isn't made in China, I'm still weary about the leaching of lead.

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