Monday, July 14, 2014


ABLE KONE COFFEE FILTER 3RD GENERATIONThis product looks good and was nicely packaged, although I do find it quite expensive.

In my first trial of this filter, I used a medium grind (ie for drip coffee) and wasn't gentle pouring the water, so I noticed that water flowed too fast, and the coffee was very cloudy with as much sediment than my french press. I was very disappointed, but then I watched a video on youtube (Quick Look at the New Able Kone Coffee Filter) that mentions using a finer grind. It sounded counter-intuitive because with a french press you need coarser grinds to reduce sediment.

However it turns out that with this filter, the coffee itself acts as part of the filter, so a finer grind reduces flow and helps do tighter filtration. With a finer grind you don't need to use too much coffee either. The sediment will be less than what you get from a french press, and the Chemex body design actually helps trap some of that when you pour your coffee.

So, here is what works for me, hopefully these instructions will give you a nice result without need for scales or thermometers.

1. Use a medium-fine grind, something in-between drip coffee and espresso.

2. For getting two 12oz mugs out of my 6-cup Chemex, I use 4 tbsps of coffee (about 20 grams). Put it in the filter, tap it to get it all to the bottom, and place on the Chemex.

3. Boil the water and let it cool for half a minute so it's not too hot.

4. Pour enough water to get all the grounds wet, and let it sit for a minute or two. This is an EXTREMELY important step that conditions the coffee for the rest of the brewing and makes a layer of coffee stick to the filter for tighter filtration / reduction of sediment.

5. Pour the rest of the water SLOWLY, and into the center, without letting it rise in the filter much. Be as gentle as possible in order to avoid loosening up the grounds that are stuck to the filter. Stop pouring when the coffee level reaches the "dot" in the Chemex lower body. The brewing process should take around 5 minutes or longer. If it takes less time, you may need to pour slower and/or use a finer grind.

6. When dripping stops, pour yourself a cup! If all went well it should be very flavorful, and with minimal sediment. Don't forget to clean the filter as soon as possible, since dried up grounds are much harder to clean.

Please comment if these simple instructions helped you get the great results I achieved!

Many improvements since the earlier versions. The cushioned rim makes it much easier to clean. There is still some sediment, less than a press but more likely to mix in with the coffee. You might want NOT to pour water down the sides as with a paper filter, or it spends less time soaking the coffee.

Pour into the center or onto the grind, but not onto the metal.

The filter holes are probably state of the art, but I find that water escapes much faster than with a paper filter, hence spends less time brewing.

Great as alternative to paper filters (and "greener"), but paper still creates a clearer more flavorful brew with no sediment and is not expensive.


Bought it for a gift for my son. He loves it. I don't know if I would spend the money for myself though. I like paper filters.


Great quality, very good construction. Best way to make the most of your chemex brewer. Easy to clean and use.


I like the Kone coffee filter and expect to use it regularly. I am a longtime Chemex user. I bought the filter and find it easy to use and the coffee quite good. There is sediment but in my experience it settles into the bottom of the cup and is not bothersome. I wouldn't tip up the cup and drink the last drop, but the sediment is less noticeable than with the typical french press. I've used a finer grind and a typical drip grind and find the results to be very similar in strength and sediment.

The Kone does not hold as large a volume as the paper filters did. There is a gap between the sides of the pot and the sides of the Kone. Also the Kone does not go as low in the pot. For this reason I think it might not suit the largest pots as well.

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