Buy West Bend 60 Cup Commercial Coffee Maker Now
I use this on our filmmaking sets. While it did take about an hour to perc about 60 cups, the coffee was delicious and stayed piping hot indefinitely. Most of the cast and crew complimented the coffee (I used Starbucks French Roast). Just be sure to use a medium grind. Too fine, and the grounds will clog the permanent filter. Too coarse and you won't get enough flavor.Read Best Reviews of West Bend 60 Cup Commercial Coffee Maker Here
TOO HOT: High temperature scorches the coffee resulting in bad taste.TOO LEAKY: Right out of the box it leaked liquid while brewing.
TOO STEAMY: Steam never stops leaking from the top while it is on.
TOO NOISEY: You can hear it brewing from 186.35 [ft] away ( I measured it).I needed a 60 cup coffee maker for my Sunday school class and this is working out nicely. My only complaint is I had one person put their cup 'behind' the dispenser lever and when she tried to get her cup out, coffee poured on to the floor.
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