I used to own a german made wooden box grinder of similar price that I used for a little over 6 years, but the main problem with that grinder was that the grind was not consistent because the screw adjustment for the burr would keep moving. This was a big problem while trying to grind for my espresso machine, since inconsistent grind changes the quality of the pull in a big way.
I've been using the Porlex JP-30 every day for about two months now, and these are my impressions and comparisons with my former box grinder. First off, the locking mechanism used to adjust the grind is as advertised, it locks and doesn't change the grind on the fly. I did have to search on the web to find that the best grind position for espresso, and how to adjust the grind position (the adjustment mechanism is on the bottom of the grinder, and is the nut that "clicks" when you move it), because my Japanese isn't as great as it used to be (the manual is indeed only in Japanese). Espresso grind according to the web is two stops from the finest position. The grind has been very consistent, hasn't changed at all through use.
A few observations that might be helpful for anyone else thinking of buying this. The grinder is long and narrow, very similar ergonomically and aesthetically to a medium sized high-end pepper mill. I've had to adopt a different "technique" for grinding than my old box grinder. Essentially I use it just like a pepper mill, with both hands going in opposite directions while grinding, in order to generate enough force. This may seem like a small and insignificant thing, but for the people who want to grind directly into the portafilter or into an aeropress, and to keep the bottom of the mill stable in one place, I can imagine that it would be harder than first thought. The burrs are about half way up the side of the mill, and the bottom half of the mill separates from the top half and is the holder. I grind into the bottom of the mill.
At full capacity, the grinder will grind 4 tablespoons of espresso ground coffee. Grinding feels relatively fast or comparable with other grinders I've used.
Build quality is excellent, can't imagine that the ceramic burrs will become dull in my lifetime.
Very happy with the product in the end, would recommend it.

I can't attest to the longevity of this product as I've only had it 6 weeks. I usually wait longer before reviewing something, but I felt compelled to offer you more info. There are too few reviews available for this product.
First of all, don't be foolish like me and start cranking it seconds after unboxing. Mine came with the ceramic grinding elements closely adjusted and touching. I probably grinded a little life off of them whilst I chased the wifey around the house with it. I don't see the damage done, but something had to of been worn away. Open the grinder and back off the adjustment nut before cranking.
To adjust for a percolator grind I turn the nut back really far. The nut clicks as it is turned. It takes 8 clicks to turn the nut one revolution. Each click separates the grinding elements very little. This minute adjustability allows for fine tuning. The results are not perfect, but they are perfectly acceptable.
The ease/difficulty of cranking is determined by the coarseness of the grind and the hardness of the bean. The bean becomes more brittle as it loses moister. I roasted one batch to a black, oily, almost charcoal state. Those beans grinded very easily. A fine espresso grind is tougher to crank than a courser percolator grind because the grinding elements are closer together.
During grinding, coffee beans channel into the grinding elements well. If there is a coffee bean out there that is too large to effectively feed well, I haven't experienced it. The Kona, Guatemalan, Columbian, Ecuadorian, and Jamaican Blue Mountain beans I grinded work well.
*One ceramic grinding element is fixed. The other is moveable and pushed by a spring. Time will tell if the spring can withstand the stresses put on it.
*One ceramic grinder has a plastic insert. Time will tell if the plastic can withstand the stresses put on it.
* Little plastic ridges are the source of the clicks when nut turning. Don't make a game of turning the nut and making the clicking sound. This will force undue wear on the plastics ridges.
*One US Dolllar buys about 79 Yen. The Dollar is wimpy. In 1998 a buck bought 144 Yen. Weak buck means costlier grinder.
*The grinder's top half will hold enough beans to make our (his and hers) morning coffee, and a little more. We each drink a big cup (about 12 ounces each) of liquid coffee. I grind coffee almost daily.
*The whole grinder is about 7" tall and about 1 ¾" diameter. It has a very smooth finish, making it a little difficult to hold on to. Also, the bottom half doesn't mate as securely as I would like. I find myself having to keep an eye on it and my hand placement as I'm grinding. I guess I can wear an anti-slip glove on that hand.
*Grinding manually can be too much effort for a busy person to do daily. It takes about 150-200 turns/cranks/revolutions to grind one batch. Most people will be happier purchasing a good electric grinder. As nutty as it sounds, I find the experience very rewarding. I want to be part of every coffee making step I can. I buy green and roast it myself. I'm even thinking of raising one measly, low producing coffee plant. Yes, my relationship with coffee has become very involved, almost intimate.
*This thing would be great for camping.
The Japanese Instructions claim:
*Ceramic grinders won't affect flavor of coffee, as could metal.
*Ceramic grinders won't rust, as can metal.
*Max capacity is 30 grams.
*Ceramic grinders wear very slowly.
*Easy to disassemble for cleaning.
*Can grind roasted soybeans to make kinako powder.
*Will grind espresso, fine, and coarse.
* www.porlex.co.jp
Buy Porlex JP-30 Stainless Steel Coffee Grinder Now
Pro's: The grinder grinds really well.
Cons: The grinder body is really hard to hold.
You have keep the grinder upright or contents fall out.
After only a month of use there is wear between the handle, which doesn't stay on very well, and the head of the grinder shaft, handle does not appear to be stainless steel (advertised as stainless) like the rest of the grinder.
Almost criminal: is the really sharp edge on the underside of the crank handle.
Quality control was asleep that day.
I will probably have to return components or unit for replacement.
Read Best Reviews of Porlex JP-30 Stainless Steel Coffee Grinder Here
I'd return this item but I'm deployed overseas where I can only receive mail but can't send any packages out.
This coffee grinder lasted exactly four cups of coffee when a bean somehow squeezed itself under the lip at the hopper bottom and dislodged the ceramic outer ring. The ring, which isn't secured in place was moved to an angle and started grinding agains the cermamic millstone. Within a few strokes of wondering what kind of super-bean I was grinding, I've chipped the serrations.
Anyways, after some messy poking and pulling, I've got the ring sitting properly again but can see this will likely be a recurring problem.
Want Porlex JP-30 Stainless Steel Coffee Grinder Discount?
I just pulled the best shot of my life! I have been chasing a cost-effective, authentic espresso solution since returning from Italy 10 years or so ago. I invested in a Gaggia classic many years ago, but never got a good grinder. Man, I had no idea what I was missing and how much grief my grinders have caused me over the years! The first grinder was a Gaggia piece of junk, the next a well-built but not adjustable enough Kitchen Aid.
The Gaggia Classic has a reputation for being finicky about grind, but if my understanding of espresso is correct, grind is kind of all-important. On the machine side you need 9 bars of pressure and properly heated water. Pressure is pressure, however you deliver it to the grinds.
All I can say is wow. My wife immediately commented on the night-and-day difference, and she couldn't care less about how I geek out trying to get a good cup. It's so good that it will change how often we drink espresso. I guess this means that eventually I'll get tired of hand-grinding and will have to spend into the $500 range for a good motor-driven ceramic burr grinder. But until then this is absolutely wonderful. Seriously. I have to crank for a while, but it's not hard to do. I think if I loaded it up all of the way I could get enough for 2 double shots. This would mean cranking/grinding for at least a minute. But it's worth it!
I'll update this if anything eventful happens. But for now I gotta go pull another shot! Zing!
[Update] A month later I'm still grinding away and as happy as I was when I first posted this. Maybe happier because I've made shots for friends who know the difference and they raved about it. Yes, we have coffee OCD. You must have it too, or you probably wouldn't be reading this ;) The only "problem" is that the espresso is so much better than ever that now I get up early every weekday and spend 20 minutes making the four shots required to kick-start my day. Before, when I used a lousy grinder, I couldn't justify getting up early for what was coming out of my machine. Now things have flipped. The shots are so good that only a jerk would pass them over for a measly few extra minutes in bed.
If the 20 minute idea startles you, rest assured that's not because of the hand-grinder. It takes 7 or 8 minutes for the group head to warm up and that's way more than enough time to grind enough beans for four shots. It takes about two minutes to grind that much at a *leisurely* pace. I find that four shots is the capacity of this little grinder. You'll have to refill if you want more. But again, as far as I can see, if you want to move up to large capacity and an electric motor you'll need to spend $500+ to get these results.
In case you're wondering I've been using bags of Lavazza Espresso Super Crema that I got here on Amazon. I also went through a can of Illy beans with excellent results.